Tips on how to find the perfect horse or pony for you…
A majority of riding horses are thoroughbreds bought out of racing. You can ask the Jockey Club for a list of Race Trainers and Breeders.
Call the Jockey Club of Kenya for contacts.
If you are wanting a non race horse then please do contact the HAK Office who will give you the contacts for other establishments that breed and bring on horses.
Ponies are often difficult to come by and schooled ones are at a premium. However, there are always children growing out of their ponies and it is often a matter of keeping one’s ears open! We have members, trainers and office bearers who can help you find the right pony or horse. Please contact us. We will help you where we can.
Alternatively you can put up an advertisement in the HAK Classifiedswhich go to all members on email regularly, please contact the HAK Secretary who will do this for you. The Classified advert should state what type of horse or pony you are looking for. Good horses/ponies are usually found by word of mouth and being in the right place at the right time.
It is advisable to have a horse completely checked out by a Veterinary Surgeon before you buy it. Our Vets have a set fee depending on how comprehensive you want the examination. This may save you spending a large amount of money on an animal which is not suited to the work you want it to do and can avoid some future unforeseen problems.